There are more military related observances during the month of May than any other month which is how May became National Military Appreciation Month. In 1999, Senator John McCain introduced the legislation to designate this month-long observance. Here are the six observances during the month of May that honor those who are serving and those who have served.:
Loyalty Day (May 1): On this day Americans are asked to take time to reflect on the pride they feel about the heritage of American freedom and reaffirm their loyalty to the United States.
Public Service Recognition Week (May 3 – 9): Celebrated the first week of May. This week honors the men and women who serve our nation as federal, state, county and local government employees.
Victory in Europe Day (May 8): This observance is in honor of the day when Germans throughout Europe unconditionally surrendered to World War II allies in 1945 and marked the end of World War II in Europe. This year is the 75th anniversary.
Military Spouse Appreciation Day (May 8): Celebrated the Friday before Mother’s Day. This day expresses support for all military spouses (male and female) for their support and dedication to the military family. They also play an important role in keeping our Armed Forces strong.
Armed Forces Day (May 16): Celebrated the third Saturday in May every year. Activities are held in communities to thank our military members for their patriotic service in support of our country. On this day, we honor everyone currently serving in the U.S. Military branches: Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marines, Navy and Space Force.
Memorial Day (May 25): This Federal holiday commemorates the men and women who died while in military service. It is day of remembrance for our service members who gave the ultimate sacrifice.
This month Military Outreach for Service (MOS) salutes all federal employees who have served, continue to serve, and their families. As demonstrated over the past few months during the COVID-19 situation, military members are willing to go to where their nation needs them most, whether it is bringing our citizens back from overseas, quickly building a hospital, or deploying on a ship to assist our state’s medical and first responders treat patients during this pandemic. We ask you to remember to take time this month to thank our veterans, service members and their families for their past and current roles as part of our country’s essential personnel that are dedicated to keeping us safe especially during this challenging time.